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Loan modification, a method for homeowners to lower their mortgage payments each month if they are going through a difficult time paying them, is being backed by the Obama Administration as the way out for many homeowners near foreclosure to save their homes. Banks and lenders all over the country are instating new qualification requirements based around the official guidelines set by the Home Affordable

Modification guidelines, which are as follows:

The property the homeowner would like to apply for loan modification must have been secured before January 1, 2009.
The property must be piece of property the homeowner lives on.
The full mortgage must be below $729,500.
The homeowner must sign a document legally swearing that they are under financial hardship.
The homeowner must have present documents containing their household's total income, tax information, and debts.

Besides these standard guidelines, several financial institutions also have their own guidelines, however each lender and bank differ. Also depending on the lender themselves is the acceptable credit score of the homeowner. Some lenders turn away homeowners seeking loan modifications due to lower-than-average credit, while other lenders accept them depending on their situation. Generally a lender's loan modification guidelines can be found on their website with little to no difficulty, but if it is unavailable, a homeowner should give their lender a call.

When calling their lender for anything regarding modifying loans, not just the guidelines, usually a homeowner will want to speak to the Loss Mitigations department. The department for lenders to handle loan modification is usually Loss Mitigations, but every once in a while it could be something else. Calling a lender for information over their loan modification guidelines can be a waste of time, however, as some lenders are not quite sure what to do.

Some homeowners find the hustle that lenders give them trying to even get the Loss Mitigations department that they give up and get a free consultation with a professional to get the guidelines information. That may seem to be a little over the top, but it does happen. While lenders are eager to get rid of the debt both they and the homeowners and borrowers have incurred, there is a lot of confusion over modifications and how to handle them. Everyone wants to fix the problem, but they are not sure how. Nonetheless, each lender does have distinct guidelines, they are just difficult to get to in certain situations.

Having a full grasp of the lender's loan modification guidelines is the key. If a homeowner is full aware of the guidelines, they can counter and try to negotiate on their own with the lender over their financial hardship and eligibility for loan modification assistance. Finding out the lender's guidelines is only half the fight.


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For additional information about home loan modifications, visit the #1 loans modification resource online:

loan modifications: mortgage loans

loan modifications: refinance

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